Raffle giveaway event
winners announced!

A賞:2personsID:20xxx03 あゆゆ
ID:22xxx8 まっけん
B賞:3personsID:20xxx75 ゆきんこ
ID:51xx まーこ
ID:23xxx2 Julia
C賞:15personsID:16xxx まる
ID:20xxx79 neko
ID:20xxx33 ぽよちゃ
ID:30xxx4 ぽよよん
ID:20xxx56 なり
ID:3xx7 ドイツ
ID:17xxx5 まっつん
ID:6xx4 のり吉
ID:1xx2 こんぶ
ID:18xxx4 ArB
ID:3xxx9 gotton fun
ID:3xxx32 狐狐神
ID:6xxx2 ムー
ID:20xxx22 Nick
ID:20xxx44 ann

◆About the prizes◆


The prizes will be shipped as soon as they are ready.
Please look forward to their arrival♪